From the Heart Therapy - Contact

Sara Kamin
416-858-4039 (Confidential voicemail)

My office is located in the Yonge and Summerhill area of Toronto at Optimum Health Centre, 1246 Yonge Street, Suite 303.

After exiting Summerhill station, cross the street to the west side of Yonge, and walk north 1 block to Walker Avenue. Enter the “Summerhill Gardens” building via the entrance just to the left of the Carlson Wagonlit travel agency and proceed to Suite 303 on the 3rd floor.

Canpark Lot
Located at the corner of Summerhill Avenue and Yonge Street – next to the Summerhill subway entrance.

Green P
Located on Price Street east of Yonge Street (same one many clients have always used)

Alcorn Avenue
1 hour free parking (10am – 6pm)

Birch Avenue
2 hour meter parking east end (9am – 10pm)

Shaftesbury Avenue
Free parking (1pm – 1am)

Summerhill Avenue
2 hour Meter parking west end (8am – 9pm)
Free parking east end (11am – 2am)

Walker Avenue
2 hour Meter parking east end (10am – 9pm)
1 hour free parking west end (10am – 6pm)